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Federal Appeal Attorneys Near Me

Federal Appeal Attorneys Near Me

White collar crime refers to offenses that are designed to produce financial gain using a form of deception. White collar crime also encompasses businesses that are international. This type of crime is usually committed by those in the business world. Examples of white collar crimes include tax evasion, insurance fraud, bribery, embezzlement, insider trading, and money laundering.



White collar crime is a very specific area of practice and the day-to-day practice of a white collar crime lawyer can be similar to civil litigation with a lot of research, factual development, and drafting. A white collar crime lawyer has more significant client contact.



A lot of white collar crime is investigated by federal authorities so you will need good federal appeal attorneys to go to court against the government. Much of the work that will be done is conducting internal or external investigations. In-house investigations can involve drafting and implementation of investigation policies and the management of resources.


So if you are looking for federal appeal attorneys ‘near me’, the Law Offices of James D. Tunick is here to help.

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